How to combine react-native-router-flux with react-native-drawer
I tried to somehow connect those to examples: react-native-drawer with react-native-router-flux: following this documentation: How do I have to put the Custom Drawer in a file? I always get errors, when trying to have it like this: File: components/Drawer.js import Drawer from 'react-native-drawer'; import ControlPanel from './ControlPanel'; import {Actions, DefaultRenderer} from 'react-native-router-flux'; export default class extends Component { render(){ const state = this.props.navigationState; const children = state.children; return ( <Drawer ref="navigation" open={} onOpen={()=>Actions.refresh({key:state.key, open: true})} onClose={()=>Actions.refresh({key:state.key, open: false})} type="displace" co...