How to run React-Native Examples?
I can't find any instructions on how to install and run one of the other Examples provided in '' such as ''.
The tutorial only tells you to do
react-native init AwesomeProject
which grabs ''.
If I clone the entire 'react-native' repository, and then run
npm install
npm start
From the root folder (i.e. '/react-native'), and then open '/react-native/Examples/Movies/Movies.xcodeproj' in Xcode, and Run the project, it seems to build fine. The Simulator comes up, shows a "Movies" intro screen for the app, but then the red screen of death appears with a print out of:
and Terminal, where 'npm start' is running at the root folder, prints out:
Error: EISDIR, read
at Error (native)
[02:35:02] <START> request:/Examples/Movies/MoviesApp.includeRequire.runModule.bundle
It should work just by following the Getting Started Tutorial, except that you have to run npm install
inside your react-native directory.
Then just run for example the Movie Project with Xcode.
If you want to "isolate" the MovieProject or another react-native example project, the easy way is to init a new react native app (react-native init MyAppName
) and just copy the JS files from the example project (in the example below the Movie Project) into the new app folder.
And then don't forget to edit your iOS/AppDelegate.m file.
You have to edit 2 lines:
jsCodeLocation = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http:/localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle"];
jsCodeLocation = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://localhost:8081/MoviesApp.bundle"];
RCTRootView *rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBundleURL:jsCodeLocation
RCTRootView *rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBundleURL:jsCodeLocation
First, meet the requirements on the getting started guide
Then, check out the React Native repository and run the following inside it:
npm install
open Examples/Movies/Movies.xcodeproj
If you have errors compiling due to linking errors, removing the derived data may help. Quit Xcode, delete /Users/{you}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
, and re-open Xcode.
Also, you can run the android version of the UIExplorer app by running the command:
./gradlew :Examples:UIExplorer:android:app:installDebug
or this:
./gradlew :Examples:Movies:android:app:installDebug
for the movies example (should be run on the react-native folder).
Also, you could run the gradle daemon to speed up the build time for Android.
You have to install node.js in your Terminal with
brew install node
ReactNative use Node.js to build the Javascript code inside the project.
Then you need Watchman, a file watcher from Facebook with
brew install watchman
React Native use Watchman to rebuild your code when there's a change in it.
The final thing is to install and run node with a Terminal window in the react-native folder.
npm install
npm start
Now you can open a project from the react-native/Examples folder in Xcode, then build and run it.
1) Open your terminal and cd to the specific example you want to run cd home/XYZ/react-native-master/Examples/UIExplorer
2) run npm install
3) run npm start
4) Open the example in Xcode and run it from there It should work fine.
PS: It was so simple but a lot of answers mislead me too.
- brew update
- brew install node
- brew upgrade node (if u already installed)
- brew install watchman
- npm install -g react-native-cli
- react-native init [name ur app] --version 0.24.0(depends on which version u want to use, if it didn't work use below) (6). react-native init [name ur app] --verbose
- cd [name ur app]
- open .
- npm start
- atom . (if u installed atom)
Here is a step by step tutorial for creating a simple application.
1) First download the cli tool
2) npm run start
3) start the app in the xcode IOS simulator.
Tutorial here:
Just wanted to update this for people just trying to run an existing react-native project/app like me:
In Terminal:
- npm install
- npm start (should open a separate window to run react package manager or it may use the existing terminal window, if that is the case you will need to open a new terminal window to type the command for step 3)
- react-native run-ios/react-native run-android
**you may want to run npm update -g (while in the react native folder) to ensure all the npm packages are up to date before running npm install
On Windows 10 I had to do adb shell am start -n com.facebook.react.movies/.MoviesActivity
to get the examples running.
(make sure ANDROID_SDK\platform-tools
is in path or run command with absolute path)
So step by step I had to do:
cd react-native
./gradlew :Examples:Movies:android:app:installDebug
adb shell am start -n com.facebook.react.movies/.MoviesActivity
./gradlew :Examples:UIExplorer:android:app:installDebug
adb shell am start -n com.facebook.react.uiapp/.UIExplorerActivity
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