WebSocket React Native
I'm new to react native
moved from ReactJS
I thought I can use same packages as my previous pure Reactjs
app but I was wrong.
What I'm trying to do is to make a websocket
I'm recently using autobahnJS
package WAMP2
in my ReactJS app but when I moved to react native it seems autobahnJS
doesn't support react-native
connectToSocketFunction = () =>{ // autobahn code
let connection = new autobahn.Connection({ url: 'wss://api.example.com/websocket/', realm: 'Realm1', authmethods: ['jwt'] });
connection.onopen = (session, detalis) => {
session.subscribe('ChannelName', (data)=>console.log(data));
Anyone know how does react native make socket connection based on my code?
I have tried react-native-autobahnjs doesn't work
The React Native documentation mentions support for WebSocket connections:
var ws = new WebSocket('ws://host.com/path');
ws.onopen = () => {
// connection opened
ws.send('something'); // send a message
ws.onmessage = (e) => {
// a message was received
ws.onerror = (e) => {
// an error occurred
ws.onclose = (e) => {
// connection closed
console.log(e.code, e.reason);
You will most likely need to use other React Native based frameworks to fill in the gaps that Autobahn provided, e.g. session support and JWT authentication.
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