Animating backgroundColor in React Native

How would I go about animating from one color to another in React Native. I've found that by interpolating an Animated.Value you can animate colors by:

var BLACK = 0;
var RED = 1;
var BLUE = 2;

backgroundColor: this.state.color.interpolate({
  inputRange: [BLACK, RED, BLUE],
  outputRange: ['rgb(0, 0, 0)', 'rgb(255, 0, 0)', 'rgb(0, 0, 255)']


Animated.timing(this.state.color, {toValue: RED}).start();

But using this method, going from BLACK to BLUE, you have to go through red. Add more colors to the mix and you end up in a 1980s disco.

Is there another way of doing this that allows you to go straight from one color to another?

Given you have Animated.Value lets say x, you can interpolate color like this:

render() {
    var color = this.state.x.interpolate({
        inputRange: [0, 300],
        outputRange: ['rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)', 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)']

    return (
        <View style={{backgroundColor:color}}></View>

You can find full working example in the issue I've posted on github.

If you could get the color of the animated color value at the instant you pressed the button then you could probably do it. Something like this :

var currentColor = ? : 
this.state.color = 0; 
var bgColor = this.state.color.interpolate({
  inputRange: [0, 1],
  outputRange: [currentColor, targetColor]

So for each button you'd set a different targetColor.

You can also interpolate in steps, for non-numeric values like color, like this:

    color: colorAnim.interpolate({
      inputRange: [0, 0.5, 1],
      outputRange: ['black', 'gray', 'white']

Use setValue and state to control start and end colors.


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